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Our design principles apply to the words used throughout our products to ensure that language seamlessly integrates with visual design.

When reading our marketing materials, we want:

  • Prospects to perceive Hydrow as a warm, welcoming, friendly brand - one that offers an unparalleled experience and an unbeatable workout.
  • Members to perceive Hydrow as a supportive community that encourages, supports, and engages without ever putting you down or setting subjective goals

We apply these principles to the product voice with language-specific guidelines.

We use clear, concise language that gets to the point but doesn’t come off cold.
Using ellipses is not allowed.
We use contractions.
Contractions are familiar, and help our copy to feel warm and personal.
We use exclamation points.
Sparingly in member communications to infuse warmth, excitement, and familiarity.
Never in advertising to prospects.
Sparingly when emailing prospects.
  • “We can’t wait to see you on the water!” is allowed.
  • “Save $330 when you buy today!” is not allowed.
We use the Oxford comma.
The Mother's Day bundle includes the Hydrow Rower, Machine Mat, and On The Mat Workout Kit.
We write headlines in sentence case.
“Join us for a live workout!” is allowed.
“Join Us for a Live Workout!” is not allowed.
We don't use unnecessary capital letters.
Capitalization is only needed at the start of headers/sentences, and for names of owned products and proper nouns.
Always use active voice, never passive voice.
“John Smith, a new Hydrow member, suggested these HIIT workouts.” is allowed.
“These HIIT workouts were suggested by a new Hydrow member, John Smith.” is not allowed.
We mention members by name.
Just use their screen name, shown with a hashtag (ex. #ItsMeAbby).
  • To note: this use case in marketing is intended as a mention that alerts followers to the use of a Hydrow screen name, vs. an @ tag (which wouldn’t work here, when we don’t want to tag our members on social, nor do we know if their Hydrow screen name matches their social handle)
Use their first name with their last initial (ex. Hydrow member Becca W).
  • On the blog - which requires a display of interest, like clicking through an email or social post - we can use a member’s full name (ex. in Behind the Oar) as long as they have given permission.
We mention Athletes by name.
Use their first name only. This helps drive familiarity by referring to them the same way you’d refer to a friend.
  • Join us for a row with Laine!
Tag them in captions (vs. just in image) on social media. This helps to drive followers to follow our Athletes as well.
  • Work out with Hydrow Athlete @dietzrowing today!
We spell out “and” as much as possible.  If we need to abbreviate, we use the “+” sign.
To date, we frequently use the ampersand (&); however, this symbol is not only a linguistic choice, but also a stylistic one.  As we strive for simplicity, we should use a symbol (as needed) that is more in line with that mindset.
We do not use quotation marks for our workout names, filter descriptions or anything else from the Hydrow on-screen experience.
Quotations shouldn't be used for Filter Names/product features etc but are helpful for the workout titles.
  • Join Mac for a 20-min Sweat "Thanksgiving Celebration" row

Unless specified otherwise, the below owned Hydrow terms should be written and capitalized as shown.

in a sentence
Athletes (on-water)

Teacher (Owen, Christie)

Trainer (Pete)
Join our Athletes on the water!
Deliberate term choice to highlight their credentials
Cool-down; Cool Down
Join Aquil for a 10-min Cool-Down Row.
The correct noun form is hyphenated. Both words should be capitalized in proper noun usage (when referring specifically to workout type/name).
Crew (capitalized)
We can’t wait for you to join our crew!
Since we use this phrase in both acquisition and retention capacities, capitalizing it could look like a mistake to someone outside Hydrow.
Locations (capitalized)
Next up in our Destinations series: Switzerland.
Destinations are a key element of our brand positioning and are ownable.
Hydrow or rower
Your Hydrow is on the way to you!

We’ll deliver your rower right to your door.
Machine is cold, impersonal, and does not speak to value or usage beyond being a piece of hardware.
the Hydrow Rower, your Hydrow Rower
Hydrow (ex. Plug the cord into Hydrow)
Plug the cord into the Hydrow Rower. Your Hydrow Rower will be delivered on Monday.
Hydrow Rower isn’t a character, it’s a product. Using the article beforehand also enables us to add ownership (“your”) and paves the way for a multi-product ecosystem.
the Hydrow Wave Rower, your Hydrow Wave Rower
Machine, Wave
Plug the cord into the Hydrow Wave Rower.Your Hydrow Wave Rower will be delivered on Tuesday.
When possible, use “Hydrow Wave Rower” in its entirety (vs. “Wave” as a standalone).
Externally facing. Only for use in internal communications.
Welcome new Hydrownauts to the team!
members (lowercase), users, purchasers, customers, subscribers
Follow other Hydrow Members in our mobile app.
We specifically capitalize Member when referring to being a Hydrow Member. We do not capitalize when talking about the Million Meter Club, Training Camp, or other smaller subgroups.
Million Meter Club
Million Meter club, million meter club
You’re almost a Million Meter Club member!
The Million Meter Club is ownable and treated as a proper noun. After the first usage, we can use the acronym MMC.
Leaderboard (capitalized)
Find other Members on the leaderboard.
This isn’t an own-able term and so is lowercase.
Live Outdoor Reality™
LOR (we never abbreviate externally)
Hydrow offers Live Outdoor Reality™ workouts taught on waterways around the world.
Trademarked tech is a point of differentiation for Hydrow.
live row, on-demand row
Live Row, On-Demand Row
Join Aquil for a live row this Saturday.
Both live and on-demand workouts aren’t own-able. Keeping this lowercase also ensures that we don’t end up with an overwhelmingly capitalized sentence when we feature the Athlete’s name, workout name, and workout type.
On Deck
On deck
Check out this week’s Hydrow On Deck!
When referring to the title of our weekly video, On Deck should be capitalized.
on-demand library
On-Demand Library
Find a workout in the on-demand library.
This isn’t an own-able term and so is lowercase.
On-Hydrow filter names (Technique, Duration, Athlete, Workout Type)
When used as filter names, each should be capitalized.
Filter the on-demand library by Technique, then by Athlete.
Filter names have been characterized as proper nouns.
On the Mat
On The Mat
Join Christie for an On the Mat workout.
“The” should only be capitalized at the start of a sentence.
On the Mat Kit
On The Mat Kit; On the Mat kit
Get our On the Mat Kit for free today.
Because the “On the Mat Kit” is its own proper noun, kit should be capitalized in the title of the item.
on the water
On the Water
We’ll see you on the water.
“On the water” is not a branded franchise like “On the Mat,” so it should not be capitalized.
Personal Coaching
Private Coaching, Personal Coaching Session, PCoach/PCoaching
Have you tried a Personal Coaching session yet?
Intentional switch from Private to Personal democratizes and individualizes the offering. Note that “session” should be lowercase, and that “PCoach” should never be used externally.
screen name
Screen Name, leaderboard name, user name
Share your Hydrow screen name with other Members.
We’ve historically used screen name, and our Members use it organically when communicating on Facebook - so we know it’s a term that resonates.
thumbs up
Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-up
Give another rower a thumbs up!
Thumbs up should not be hyphenated. We’re keeping it lowercase since this is a universal action
touchscreen (when engaging)

monitor (when setting up the Hydrow/in a hardware context)
Screen, tablet, console
Tap the touchscreen to log in.
The touchscreen is not an ownable term and so is lowercase.

“Tablet” gives the impression that this is a standalone/off-the-shelf element, but we want members to perceive it as a custom part of the Hydrow.
Warm-up; Warm Up
Join Aquil for a 10-min Warm-Up Row.
The correct noun form is hyphenated. Both words should be capitalized in proper noun usage (when referring specifically to workout type/name).
workout; work out
Workout = noun

Work out = verb
Find our newest workouts in the on-demand library.

Work out with Laine in her newest row.
The two forms of this word are commonly confused. We should ensure we use the correct form depending on context.
Workout types and styles, including: Drive, Sweat, Breathe, Cardio, Pyramid, Climb
drive, sweat, etc. (lowercase)
Try out a Cardio or Pyramid row.
Workout types and styles are treated as proper nouns.
Workouts or rows
Classes, episodes, sessions
Join our newest row with Nick/join our newest workout with Channing!
Classes and episodes are passively consumed; workouts and rows connote active engagement.

Brand voice

Our voice describes the focus and emotion of our external and internal communications. It should be expressed as an embodiment of our values as an organization.