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Our brand has a few graphic elements that we rely on to add visual hierarchy to our work. Each element should be used with taste and thought. We always want to make sure our visual touch helps provide character to the brand without over saturating it.

Download our elements from the elements library.
Bathymetric charts

These maps depict the submerged topography of bodies of water – the depths, the contours, and the size and shape of underwater features. They’re an essential tool for any boatsman, but these two in particular are essential to our brand: they include the letters W and R – the initials of W.W. Ruddick, a 19th century racing shell boat builder, and an ancestor of our founder Bruce Smith.

Use these graphics as background textures rather than visual focal points, as they help add subtle depth when used. They should always be cropped so only a section of the graphic is visible, without ever showing the outermost edges. While they can be rotated, they should never be flipped.

Graphic elements

Graphic elements add flare to our brand. These are the small visual additions we make that tell our story and define who we are.